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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy has been put in place by our parent company, LHi Group and is effective from 16/01/2024 (16th January 2024).


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps Us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and allows Us to improve our site. For detailed information on the cookies We use and the purposes for which We use them see our Cookie notice.

Disclosure of your information inside and outside of the EEA

We will share your personal information with:

  • Any member of our group both in the EEA and outside of the EEA.
  • Selected third parties including:
    • clients for the purpose of introducing candidates to them;
    • candidates for the purpose of arranging interviews and engagements;
    • clients, business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance and compliance obligations of any contract we enter into with them or you;
    • subcontractors including email marketing specialists, event organisers, payment and other financial service providers;
    • advertisers and advertising networks that require the data to select and serve relevant adverts to you and others;
    • analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our site;
    • credit reference agencies, our insurance broker, compliance partners and other sub-contractors for the purpose of assessing your suitability for a role where this is a condition of us entering into a contract with you.

We will disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • In the event that We sell or buy any business or assets, in which case We will disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
  • If LHi Group or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.
  • If We are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, in order to enforce or apply our terms of use or terms of business and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of LHi Group, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

The lawful basis for the third-party processing will include:

  • Their own legitimate business interests in processing your personal data, in most cases to fulfil their internal resourcing needs;
  • satisfaction of their contractual obligations to us as our data processor;
  • for the purpose of a contract in place or in contemplation;
  • to fulfil their legal obligations.
Retention of your data

We understand our legal duty to retain accurate data and only retain personal data for as long as We need it for our legitimate business interests and that you are happy for us to do so. Accordingly, We have a data retention notice and run data routines to remove data that We no longer have a legitimate business interest in maintaining.

We do the following to try to ensure our data is accurate:

  • Our website enables you to manage your data and to review whether the details We hold about you are accurate
  • prior to making an introduction, We check that We have accurate information about you
  • We keep in touch with you so you can let Us know of changes to your personal data

We segregate Our data so that We keep different types of data for different time periods. The criteria We use to determine whether We should retain your personal data include:

  • the nature of the personal data;
  • its perceived accuracy;
  • our legal obligations;
  • whether an interview or placement has been arranged; and
  • our recruitment expertise and knowledge of the industry by country, sector and job role.

We may archive part or all of your personal data or retain it on our financial systems only, deleting all or part of it from our main Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system.

Our current retention notice is available upon request.

Access to information

Your local Data Protection legislation gives you the right to access information held about you. We also encourage you to contact Us to ensure your data is accurate and complete.

A subject access request should be submitted to or 

Changes to your privacy notice

Any changes We make to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy notice.

Information you give to us or we collect about you

This is information about you that you give Us by filling in forms on our site or or by corresponding with Us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. It includes information you provide when you register to use our site, enter our database, subscribe to our
services, attend our events, participate in discussion boards or other social media functions on our site, enter a competition, promotion or survey and when you report a problem with our site.

The information you give Us, or that We collect about you, may include your name, address, private and corporate e-mail address and phone number, financial information, compliance documentation and references verifying your qualifications and experience and your right to work in the relevant country, curriculum vitae and photograph, links to your professional profiles available in the public domain; for example LinkedIn, Twitter, Indeed, Anyleads, Zoom Info, business Facebook or corporate websites.

Information we obtain from other sources

This is information We obtain about you from other sources such as LinkedIn, corporate websites, job board websites, online CV libraries, your business card and personal recommendations. In this case, We will inform you, by sending you this privacy notice, within a maximum of 30 days of collecting the data of the fact We hold personal data about you, the source the personal data originates from and whether it came from publicly accessible sources, and for what purpose We intend to retain and process your personal data.

We are working closely with third parties including companies within our Group, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, professional, payment and other services, advertising networks, analytics providers, search information providers, credit reference agencies and professional advisors. We may receive information about you from them for the purposes of our recruitment services and ancillary support services.

Our legitimate business interests

Our legitimate interests in collecting and retaining your personal data are described below:

  • As a recruitment business, recruitment agency or consultancy We introduce candidates to clients for permanent employment, temporary worker placements or independent professional contracts. The exchange of personal data of our candidates and our client contacts is a fundamental, essential part of this process.
  • In order to support our candidates’ career aspirations and our clients’ resourcing needs We require a database of candidate and client personal data containing historical information as well as current resourcing requirements.
  • To maintain, expand and develop our business we need to record the personal data of prospective candidates and client contacts.

Should We want or need to rely on consent to lawfully process your data We will request your consent orally, by email or by an online process for the specific activity We require consent for and We will record your response on our system. Where consent is the lawful basis for our processing you have the right to withdraw your consent to this particular processing at any time.